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Terrorism & Disaster

Terrorism: Lessons Learned Part 1(short version)


English and Spanish w Eng Subs

Full length video - 26 minutes - available upon request!

Story / Screenplay / Voiceover by Björn Ulfsson

Directed by Terri Casella & Björn Ulfsson

Edited by Terri Casella

3D-graphics by Stefan Jönsson / SRV-MSB

Videography by Birger Marcusson,

Various News Sources & Björn Ulfsson

Recorded in: New York (USA) 

Oklahoma City (USA) Madrid (SPAIN)

Stockholm (SWEDEN)




A study of the effects on the three terror attacks in

New York, Madrid & Oklahoma City,and how it

effected First Responders on the sites.

Camp Charlie, Haiti

A Camp for Homeless UN Aid Workers struck by the 2010 Earthquake


Production Year: 2010

Swedish & English w Eng Subs
Directed and created by Björn Ulfsson
Shot and Edited as a one man team in the weeks following the Haiti earthquake in 2010.


WARNING disturbing images provided by the UN
Recorded in: Port-au-Prince (HAITI)

2022. Website created by Terri Casella / BT Video Productions Ltd

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